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Become a Member

PowerAmerica provides value to members by accelerating their wide bandgap concept-to-prototype cycle.


By helping introduce wide bandgap (WBG) products to the market faster, we allow industry members to grow their businesses. In turn, university members benefit through collaboration with these industry-leading businesses.

Why You Should Join Us

We offer a comprehensive view of advances in SiC and GaN technology, including roadmaps aligned with a range of industrial applications. Driven by semiconductor producers and industry end-users, roadmapping determines what applications will benefit the most from improved power semiconductor performance.

We fund demonstrations of improved technology and applications on a cost-match basis with industry and academic institutions according to unmet market needs and requirements identified in our SiC and GaN roadmaps. The U.S. Department of Energy has committed $32 million over five years to support dozens of projects managed by PowerAmerica.

We promote the benefits of SiC and GaN technology to application engineers in a range of industries, making a compelling case for transitioning existing silicon-based systems to wide bandgap technology through member networking opportunities, promotion in technical and trade publications, trade shows and conferences, and publicizing the successes of our members and their customers.

Benefits of Membership

More Benefits

  • Customer-supplier introductions and focused networking at our semi-annual meetings, with typical attendance of over 200 participants
  • Discounts on our short courses and tutorials
  • Promotion of your company or organization by PowerAmerica at media and trade conferences
  • Referrals for SiC and GaN device and module designs, test and reliability services, manufacturing outlets, circuit integration reference drawings, and educational materials
  • Quick access to long lead-time SiC and GaN pre-production engineering devices and modules

What Our Members Say

John Deere

“PowerAmerica has advanced John Deere’s wide bandgap power electronics R&D work by more than five years.”

Atom Power

“One of the best networked and active organizations that I’ve ever been a part of. They are so focused on aligning goals that it automatically brings folks from all over the industry together in collaboration. We have already made more than a few strategic business relationships.”


“The networking opportunities with our suppliers, customers and university partners are invaluable. This has led to other collaborations between USCi and companies event outside of PowerAmerica work.”


“We are involved because one of the single most important things PowerAmerica is doing is changing the mindset of the customer community. When a PowerAmerica project demonstrates a first, it gets the attention of the users.”

Want More Information?

If you’re ready to apply for membership, just let us know.