Manufacturing USA
PowerAmerica is a proud member of Manufacturing USA — founded in 2014 to secure U.S. global leadership in advanced manufacturing by connecting people, ideas, and technology.

Manufacturing USA’s 17-institute network spans a range of key technology areas and brings together manufacturing, government, and academia. Our public-private partnerships breathe life into promising early-stage research, propel new products to market, and train the next-generation workforce. These efforts bridge the gap between domestic innovations and products made here by a skilled U.S. workforce.
Manufacturing USA institutes reach more than 1,300 organizations, collaboratively work on over 270 major research and development projects to solve industry’s toughest challenges using advanced manufacturing technology, leverage $2B in private investment and $1B federal funds, and train more than 200,000 people on advanced manufacturing skills. Together we are securing the nation’s future.
In the video below, PowerAmerica Executive Director Victor Veliadis discusses how PowerAmerica contributes to the Manufacturing USA mission.