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Education and Workforce Development

PowerAmerica aims to train the next generation of wide bandgap (WBG) students at U.S. universities as well as train the workforce in WBG technologies.

Online Summer Workshop

Similar to the annual meeting in substance and scope, the summer workshops — held virtually, typically in August — afford PowerAmerica’s many university members, including professors and students, the chance to showcase their research to industry. The summer workshops also provide opportunities for students seeking internships or employment to connect with PowerAmerica industry members.

The experience was highly beneficial, providing valuable feedback and inspiring ideas for future research

Ekaterina Muravleva

Ph.D. candidate, Electrical Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Short Courses

PowerAmerica offers short courses that educate industrial power electronics engineers on how to incorporate SiC and GaN technology into products and systems. 

Technical Webinar Series

PowerAmerica hosts a monthly technical webinar series featuring university researchers funded by the Institute and working on a project related to wide bandgap power electronics. Sign up for our mailing list to receive notifications for the webinars. To view recordings of our Recent Webinars, visit our YouTube channel; for older webinars, access our archive.

Past EWD Projects

PowerAmerica has worked with leading universities across the nation on a range of research projects related to Education and Workforce Development (EWD).

We Match Talented Students with Excellent Employers

A vital part of our mission is matching experienced member students with WBG experience to companies looking to grow their WGB workforce. Through an online portal maintained by NC State University, student can look for job and internship opportunities in the WBG — including postings from PowerAmerica member companies.

Workforce-ready Graduate Students

At the PowerAmerica member universities, graduate students are working with top researchers in the field of wide bandgap power electronics. Our member students are already contributing to the advancement of WBG technology and are ready day one to apply that knowledge in commercial applications. 

Support for Educators

PowerAmerica provides funding to university faculty to develop course modules, upgrade laboratory facilities, acquire WBG specific equipment, and other mechanisms that assist them in incorporating WBG principles and experiences into their coorses and labs.

Support for Students

PowerAmerica provides funding for graduate student research, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, travel stipends to attend industry conferences, interviews with insustry members, poster sessions and fast pitch speaking opportunities at our meetings, and other mechanisms to help students learn about WBG technology and to achieve their career aspirations.

Our Institutions Fill WBG Career Pathways