2024 Wide Bandgap Summer Workshop

August 6-8, 2024

Learn about the latest advances in the Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride power electronics ecosystem

PowerAmerica invites you to our 2024 Virtual WBG Summer Workshop August 6-8. Expect great presentations on the latest in the business and technology of silicon carbide and gallium nitride power semiconductors and applications.

The agenda includes:

  • Keynote remarks by industry leaders
  • Tutorials by leading practitioners
  • Reports from PowerAmerica member-funded projects
  • PowerAmerica 2.0 RFP Overview
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research Presentations
  • DoE Power Electronics Research Roadmap
  • Photonics Manufacturing Institute Special Presentation

(Please note: The workshop is for employees of PowerAmerica member organizations, including students, and invited guests only. If you are interested in a guest invitation, please email rasulliv@ncsu.edu.)


Keynote Presentations

Frazer Anderson, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology (OIPT)

Frazer is currently the Chief Technology Officer for Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology (OIPT). A respected technologist with more than 40 years of experience in the design and manufacture of capital equipment for the semiconductor industry, Frazer has leadership experience across a wide range of roles, including manufacturing, engineering, product development and product management. He is responsible for the coordination of the company’s National and Global Research Project Portfolio and has been instrumental in forming several long-term global collaborative partnerships.

He is involved in a number of UK government and EU-led Compound Semiconductor and Graphene Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and is also a member of five Strategic Advisory Boards, as well as the Board of SEMI UK. He is very active in promoting OIPT’s involvement in the UK’s Centres for Doctoral Training and is an active member of several UK government initiatives on Sustainability and Key Skills Development.

Tamara Baksht, VisIC Technologies

Tamara’s background education is from Tomsk State University, Russia, where she studied Philosophy and Physics. Going forward, she gained a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Tel Aviv University, focusing on GaAs and GaN HEMTs. She started working on GaN HEMT in Gal El (MMIC), part of the Israel Aircraft Industry.

Tamara is one of the pioneers of GaN transistors design and development, covering wide power and frequency ranges. She has years of experience running multi-disciplinary GaN projects, defining work plans, budgeting, reporting, transferring products to production, and providing customer support.

In 2010 Tamara co-founded VisIC Technologies with III-V semi-technology expert Gregory Bunin, and she has been leading the company ever since.