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Past Projects

Examples of past technical and education projects our members have completed.

Module Development and Manufacturing

Commercialization Applications

Education and Workforce Development

Member Initiated Projects

  • Optimal HV SiC Device Characteristics for D-FACTS Rated 5 kV to 25 kV
    Improved SiC MOSFETS (Electric Power Research Institute, University of
    Arkansas, North Carolina State University)
  • MV Solid State & Hybrid Breaker Architectures using SiC JFETS Novel Motor
    Drives (SUNY-Albany, Qorvo-United Silicon Carbide)
  • Demonstration of 100 kW SiC Inverter with Soft-Switching dv/dt Filter and
    Ultra High Efficiency for Motor Drives (North Carolina State University,
  • Design and Demonstration of Current Sharing Strategy for Paralleling High
    Current Silicon Carbide Modules (University of Arkansas, Microchip)
  • Paralleling of GaN Modules for High Power Applications (GE, North
    Carolina State University (NREL)
  • Increasing Channel Mobility, Reducing Threshold Instability, and Improving
    Robustness of 650 V SiC Power MOSFETs (Purdue, XFAB)
  • Design and Test A 800V/>50kW Three-level Active Neutral Point Clamping
    Motor Drive Inverter using 650V/60A GaN HEMTs for Electric Vehicles
    (University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Mercedes Benz R&D, GaN Systems)
  • Multilevel GaN based Traction Drive Inverter (Marquette University, GaN
  • A 650V GaN-based Three-Level ANPC Inverter for Electric Vehicle Traction
    (North Carolina State University, Transphorm, GaN Systems)
  • Defining the Full Benefits of WBG Technology for the Power Grid (Electric
    Power Research Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Microchip,
    Southern Company, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, North Carolina
    State University, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation, Nebraska
    Public Power District)
  • Automated Tool to Measure Soft-switching Coss Losses in Wide Bandgap
    Power Devices (Stanford University, onsemi)
  • High-Frequency, Soft-Switching Losses of GaN and SiC Devices: Application-
    oriented Evaluation and Physical Mechanism Study (Virginia Tech with
    Lockheed Martin, NexGen Systems)
  • Quantifying Power Device Reliability Due to Terrestrial and Other Radiation Sources (CoolCAD Electronics)
  • Reliability Analysis of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Devices (Texas Tech/Group NIRE)
  • Short-circuit Behavior and Protection of Next Generation SiC Modules (Ohio State)
  • WBG Integrated High Voltage APM/OBCM Converter for Future Use in Autonomous Vehicles (Virginia Tech)
  • Packaging a Top-cooled 650V/>150A GaN Power Module with Insulated Thermal Pads and Gate-Drive Circuit (University of Tennessee)
  • Prototyping and Evaluation of High-Speed 10 kV SiC MOSFET Power Modules with High Scalability and System-Integration Solution (Virginia Tech/NREL/Wolfspeed)
  • Surge Energy Robustness of GaN Power Devices and Modules: Application-driven Evaluation and Physics-of-Failure Modeling (Virginia Tech/Lockheed Martin)
  • Silicon Carbide Power Modules for Medium Voltage Applications (University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, Microchip, NREL)
  • Embedded GaN Power Module for High Frequency 400V/>20A Operation with Double-Sided Cooling and Integrated Gate-Drive Circuit (University of Tennessee-Knoxville, GaN Systems, NREL)
  • SiC-based Module Building Block with Integrated Inductor and Gate Driver (Virginia Tech, Infineon, Lockheed Martin)
  • Demonstration of Advanced Power Packaging Technology for Near Term Commercialization (N.C. State University, Transphorm, United SiC)