Member Initiated Projects Q&A

All member initiated project questions will be posted below. If you need to submit a question please complete the form found on our website.

Q:  Could the power level requirement in the EV inverter topic be increased to at least 100kW?

A:  The specifications in the RFP cannot be changed at this point, as the RFP has been released. However, the power requirement is > 50kW, so proposers should feel free to propose projects at a higher power level. Please note item 4.a. on page 7 of the RFP, “Significance.”  If a proposer believes a project should exceed any minimum specification, and explains in the proposal that doing so would increase the project’s significance to industry, then it is likely the project will be scored higher in the “Significance” category.

Q: Does the following statement mean there will be only one project ($100k) funded under the grid-related topic:  “Due to the unique nature of this topic, if more than one proposal is received, proposals may be combined into a single project to maximize member participation.”?

A:  All funding decisions are made by the Member Advisory Committee, but it is possible that funding will only be available to fund one proposal.

Q: Could the link to the EPRI and the University of Albany projects be posted?

A: Copies of the Statements of Work for these ongoing projects are available upon request to Jim LeMunyon at PowerAmerica,

Q:  We have one question regarding the number of proposals that can be submitted (Attachment 2, section K). Is this restriction overall or per topic? We are currently considering three different proposals where we may lead, one per topic. Would this be acceptable?

A:  No. A lead entity may submit one proposal for this Round #5, not one proposal per topic. Please refer to page 2 of the RFP, which states: The principal investigator must be employed by the entity that is proposed to receive the greatest share of PowerAmerica funding (not including cost match). This entity is also responsible for submitting the proposal and for the financial management of the project, if selected for funding, and is referred to as the “lead entity.” No organization serving as the lead entity on a proposal may offer more than one proposal as a lead entity for MIP Round #5 but can participate on other teams.

Q: What is the estimated start date for projects? Does the project end date have to be April 15, 2023? If this project does not go through summer, I cannot budget faculty summer salaries, correct?

A: Projects will start as soon as possible after they are approved by the Member Advisory Committee. The MAC is scheduled to meet on August 2, 2022. The April 2023 deadline is due to PowerAmerica’s contractual relationship with the Department of Energy. Any extension would need to be granted by DoE. This will not be considered before the June 23, 2022 deadline.

Q: For Topic 2, does each proposal have to cover all grid nodes as listed? Can I select some of the listed nodes and add a few more?

A: Proposals should be as complete and comprehensive as possible. Additional nodes can be added.

Q: For Topic 2, if there are two proposals submitted with each requesting $100K, will that be $200K total funding for these two projects if they are selected, or will the two proposals split the $100K ($50K each)?

A: Funding decisions are made by the MAC based on recommendations from the proposal review committee on the proposals received. With respect to Topic 2, proposers should note the provision in the RFP: “Due to the unique nature of this topic, if more than one proposal is received, proposals may be combined into a single project to maximize member participation.” With this in mind, proposers are encouraged to consider teaming with other members beyond the minimum requirement of one industry and one academic member to reduce the possibility that the proposal review committee might request two or more proposing teams to resubmit combined proposals. It is expected that maximizing member participation on a single Topic 2 project, rather than multiple similar projects, is likely to provide the best project outcome.

Q: A question I have had in more than one discussion is if hybrid transistor technology topologies are within the scope of this project (Topic 1). For example, something like the T-Type topology shown below. The topology uses 650V GaN in a multilevel arrangement with commercially available parts.

A: All proposals will be reviewed by the working group that reviews MIP proposals, including any hybrid designs proposed.  Proposers should keep in mind the review criteria on page 7 of the RFP, item 4 (a – d), and explain in their proposal why they believe a particular proposed design is compelling with respect to these criteria.